NCERT Solution of Science Class 9 and Matter in Our Surroundings


The National Council of Educational Research and Training, abbreviated as NCERT, is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India. It was established in 1961. The CBSE schools follow the NCERT textbooks throughout the country. The NCERT textbook is also available online, and it can be downloaded by students for their reference.

NCERT Solution of Science Class 9

The solutions for all the questions asked in the NCERT textbook can be found by reading the chapters on that particular topic. The students can also look for these solutions online.  NCERT solutions are provided online for Classes 1 to 12. The solutions are provided for all the subjects taught in the CBSE curriculum. The online solutions provided will help the students understand the best approach to solve each question, and also help the students to write the answer clearly in the examination. The well-described and easy to understand NCERT solution of science class 9 includes topics like atoms and molecules, the fundamental unit of life, diversity of living organisms, motion, gravitation, sound, natural resources etc.

NCERT solutions are extremely important for the students to score well in the examination. It explains all the concepts in detail. Learning all the solutions to the questions in the NCERT textbook will also help the students to pass exams like the NTSE, Olympiad etc.

Matter in Our Surroundings

One of the chapters in Class 9 NCERT textbook is about the matter in our surroundings. The solutions for the questions in the chapter, matter in our surroundings, are available online. According to the definition of matter, it is anything that occupies space and has weight. The matter is classified into solids, liquids and gases. The plasma state is considered the fourth state of matter. All the states of matter are made from atoms and molecules, but their properties differ. Properties like rigidity, compressibility, fluidity, shape, density and kinetic energy will differ for solids, liquids and gases. The property by which an object retains its shape and size is called rigidity. The flowing tendency of a substance is called fluidity. Solids have a definite shape and volume, and cannot be compressed. Liquids do not have any definite shape and they take the shape of the container but have a definite volume. Like solids, liquids also cannot be compressed. Gases do not have a definite shape or volume, unlike solids and liquids.

The chapter, matter in our surroundings, includes topics such as states of matter, properties of matter, molecular theory of matter, temperature and temperature scales, evaporation and many more. The chapter provides solutions for some interesting questions such as “How does the water stored in an earthen pot become cooler during summer?”, “What produces more severe burns, steam or boiling water?”, “Why does the temperature remain constant during the change of state?”, “What is the reason for the smell from hot food to reach several meters away?” etc.

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