For the Boxing Fans: Ways that Judges Award Scores in a Match


There is an increase in the global boxing fan base as event organizers plan big matches across the popular categories. Since the past, the rivalry between boxers has been the reason for the progressive rise in people following the sport across the globe.

Currently, most people are waiting for the heavyweight champions Anthony Joshua and Tyson Fury match, which is taking a long time for the fans to enjoy. Both British boxers hold belts from various categories. We will be waiting keenly for probably the biggest match in recent years in their class. However, the elite fighters still get boxing matches where they defend their titles. It attracts millions of viewers from different parts of the world.

There is so much a person can learn about sports in general, and you can click here to gain insights. It can be challenging to understand how the judges award the scores in a boxing match. This read will focus on the various ways a boxer scores points by analyzing what the judges look out for. We-will consider the factors that influence the judges’ scores and how the total awards happen.

4 things the Judges Look for

It is not difficult to seethe stronger opponent in a boxing match, especially when dominating the opponent. However, it can be tasking to determine a winner as a fan when the boxers go at each other, and their capabilities match. Below are four things that judges consider when awarding points;

1. The Punches

Determining whether a punch from a boxer is clean or not is not as easy as we presume it to be. Judges consider a clean punch when the opponent could not block the punch from landing on their body. When watching a boxing match, the sound a punch makes can fool you into thinking it is an effective punch, but it is just the gloves hitting against one another.

The punch that earns more points is the one that does not brush against the opponent’s hands and lands cleanly on them. Therefore, although clean punches can be few, it is more rewarding than many blocked punches. It is because the boxer might be throwing many punches, but none is clearly hitting the opponent. Also, the judges will look at the intensity of the punches; hard ones score better than soft punches. After all, a hard punch might knock out the opponent, thus assuring victory to the heavy-hitting boxer.

2. Aggressiveness

Although a boxer can be aggressive, their strategy will not bear any results if they are not effective with the punches they throw.For example, a fighter can be throwing many punches and causing the opponent to retreat toa corner. Still, they will not score points if the punches do not hit the fighter. The opponent might be countering the attacks, thus rendering the aggressiveness pointless.

On the contrary, precision and accuracy are what will prompt the judge to award points. Therefore,when a boxer is aggressive, the punches must land on their challenger to get points. If not, the judges will not consider them.

3. The Ring General

The boxer who controls the boxing match will score better than the opponent. The judges consider a ring general as the boxer who sets the tone for the match. Their style should be efficient and are in charge of the action on the ring. It can be challenging to determine this factor if you have limited knowledge of the sport. Still, a judge can determine who is controlling a boxing bout efficiently. They will use the factor in awarding the overall points that determine the winner vi a the challengers’ points.

4. Defense

The factors above are mainly factoring the offensive side of the game, but the defense matters too. Boxers must defend themselves against a challenger. The judges will award points on the most effective one in limiting the opponent’s punches.

Defense entails blocking, parrying, dodging,and ducking punches effectively. The approach will help preserve energy for the boxing match while the opponent tires by throwing ineffective punches. Also, it means that the one throwing many punches without hitting their challenger scores less from the aggression they show. A good defense will set up a boxer for an effective offense since they can catch the opponent unawares with a clean punch.

A Look into the Overall Scoring

Knowing the judges’ factors to award points in a boxing match, let us look at what contributes to the overall scores. First, there are usually three professionals to judge who is the better boxer in each round. Therefore, the total points will depend on the points a fighter collects in each round.

Each judge will award points for the boxer who wins or loses each. The points are out of ten,and mostly the winner gets ten while the loser is nine.The fighter loses a point when they are knocked down. Also, the boxer will lose points for subsequent knockdowns,but they cancel if both knock each other down. Both fighters can get the maximum points if the judge considers the round as a draw.

On the other hand,they can deduct points for intentional foulsbya particular boxer in each round. However, the fighter can lose points for the foulsthey did not intend, but they will get a warning for the first one. The subsequent fouls will attract a deduction of points.

The Decision

A boxing match can end as a draw when one judge rules in favor of one, another in favor of the opponent,and the third judge as a draw. When two judges consider one boxer to score more points and the other judge rules the bout as a draw,it is a majority decision. However,as plit decision happens when two judges favor one boxer while the other judges award the opponent more.Nevertheless, a unanimous decision will have the winner scoring more points in every judge’s overall tally across the rounds.

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